
Irrigation The health and beauty of your landscape depends on appropriate sprinklers and irrigation. An efficient system ensures that your plants get just the right amount of water. Improperly installed watering systems can lead to either drought or flooding and soil erosion which is all detrimental for your plants’ growth.

Each type of plant requires a specific amount of water. Generally, trees with established root systems don’t need much. However, plants and turf need more. The different parts of a landscape have specific water needs, too, that’s why choosing the best sprinklers and irrigation is necessary.

Type of Irrigation Best for Your Landscape

Choosing the best irrigation system for your landscape requires careful consideration of the climate, the size of your area, the type of soil, and the variety of plants and grass within. We at TA Outdoors LLC. recommend the following:

  1. Micro-irrigation. Micro-irrigation targets the roots of plants, so it is very effective in terms of water conservation. It is recommended for dwarf fruit trees and shrubs but not for lawns. The only downside is it’s installed above the ground, which makes the tubing susceptible to breakage from dirt, freezing, and even vandalism.
  2. Flood System or Blubber. If you have a flat area with an abundant water supply, this one is the best for you. It distributes water by flooding the ground. It is suitable for adobe and clay soil. Not recommended for fruit trees, roses, and other plants that are sensitive to overwatering.
  3. Rotary Sprinkler. Rotary sprinklers are best for large areas, like parks and lawns. The head moves in an arc, and water sprays in a set direction.

Choosing the Right Type of Sprinklers

Once you have determined your irrigation system, you can choose from the following types of sprinklers:

  1. Pop-up Sprinklers. These sprinklers are the cheapest to install and are recommended for small residential lawns. They can water an area of 5-6 meters and emit misty sprays in a fixed direction.
  2. Rotary Sprinklers. These have an irrigation span of 5-30 meters, depending on the sprinkler’s size. They also work similar to pop-up sprinklers and emit a single stream of water in a circular motion.
  3. Impact Rotors. These are usually made of bronze or brass. Water distribution is 6 to 45 meters; they are recommended for larger lawns and landscapes.
  4. Multiple Stream Sprinklers. These are best for medium lawns with slopes or uneven ground. Thin streams of water are sprayed as they rotate.
  5. Gear-Driven Rotors. These are preferred by owners of huge residential landscapes or small commercial lawns due to their low maintenance and quiet operation.

Automated Irrigation Systems

Irrigation Trust us with your sprinklers and irrigation installation, and you can be assured of a job done with utmost precision by no less than our highly trained installers. Rest assured that we only use superior materials from the most reputable suppliers in the country. Our state-of-the-art tools and equipment make our jobs faster, guaranteeing your project’s completion in a timely manner.

And because we understand just how busy you are, we recommend the use of automated sprinkler systems, which take care of your landscape, even while you’re out of town, doing other chores, or simply having a good time with your loved ones.

Contact us now for more information about how we design and install these very important features in your landscape.

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